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Beachguide » Spekes Mill
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Spekes Mill

Lovely secluded sandy and rocky beach with good surf and a quiet relaxed atmosphere.
Submitted by:
9th May 2004
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Another of my favourite beaches this one. I won't tell you exactly how to get there, but its not that difficult to find. The beach itself is rocky and shingle with a little bit of sand. Access isn't easy and it usually remains fairly quiet. There are no facilities nearby.

Spekes Mill can however have a wave when everywhere else is flat. The wave is a right-hander that breaks over a rocky reef. Its definately a spot worth checking, and even if it is flat Spekes Mill is a cool place to chill out and enjoy some solitude. I once got stuck here for a couple of days after driving all the way down the little lane to the cliff top car park, only to find the battery in my van drained when I returned to it, so I had to stay there until a helpful passerby came along a couple of days later!! Not a bad place to be though, and I didn't have to be anywhere.
Sports Suitability
Surfing starstarstar
Surf Conditions at Spekes Mill can be Excellent
Buggying thumns_down
Buggying Conditions at Spekes Mill are Not Good
Windsurfing thumbs_down
Windsurfing Conditions at Spekes Mill are Not Good
kitesurfing thumbs_down
Kitesurfing Conditions at Spekes Mill are Not Good
Wind Suitability
Windsurfing at Spekes Mill Kitesurfing at Spekes Mill
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